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AFTSpin Universal Plant Fast RNA Extraction Kit (RK30121)


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Cat. No.SpecificationPrice
RK3012150 RXN₩321,000
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This kit is used for common plant RNA extraction. The kit does not rely on toxic reagents such as phenol and chloroform, and can remove gDNA residue by silica gel column purification technology and quickly extract total plant RNA. The extracted RNA can be directly used in reverse transcription PCR, qPCR and RNA library construction experiments.
Product Features

  • Safe: Avoids toxic reagents such as phenol and chloroform as well as ethanol precipitation.
  • Convenient and fast: Extraction of a single sample can generally be completed within 15 minutes.
  • Wide compatibility: Compatible to common plant samples.
  • High purity: The obtained RNA has high purity and little genomic residue, and can be directly used in downstream experiments with high purity requirements.

Rapid extraction of total RNA from common plant samples.

Reagents are stable for 12 months at room temperature.

Product Information

Product Components

50 RXN
Buffer RL2RM3014550 mL
Buffer RL1RM3014025 mL
Buffer PR2RM3014135 mL
RNase-free H2ORM301425 mL
Buffer WB2RM3014412 mL
RNase-free Adsorption Column and Collection TubesRM3018550 pk
gDNA Removal Column and Collection TubesRM3018650 pk
Buffer ABRM301465 mL
1.5 mL RNase-free Centrifuge TubesRM3020250 pk


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