Featured Articles

TET2 modulates spatial relocalization of heterochromatin in aged hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Journal: Nature aging2023Pubmed ID: 37884767
Gene: 2X Universal SYBR Green Fast qPCR Mix
Gene ID:
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: RT-qPCR
IF: 16.6

Genetically prolonged beige fat in male mice confers long-lasting metabolic health - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 37169793
Gene: 2X Universal SYBR Green Fast qPCR Mix
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: Other
IF: 16.6

Metabolic crosstalk between skeletal muscle cells and liver through IRF4-FSTL1 in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 37770480
Gene: -Tubulin Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 203068
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 16.6

Hyodeoxycholic acid ameliorates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by inhibiting RAN-mediated PPAR nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 37673856
Gene: ABflo 488-conjugated Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IF
IF: 16.6

Hyodeoxycholic acid ameliorates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by inhibiting RAN-mediated PPAR nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 37673856
Gene: Mouse Control IgG
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: Co-IP
IF: 16.6

Hyodeoxycholic acid ameliorates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by inhibiting RAN-mediated PPAR nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 37673856
Gene: ABflo 594-conjugated Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IF
IF: 16.6

Hyodeoxycholic acid ameliorates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by inhibiting RAN-mediated PPAR nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 37673856
Gene: Rabbit Control IgG
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: Co-IP
IF: 16.6

Hyodeoxycholic acid ameliorates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by inhibiting RAN-mediated PPAR nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 37673856
Gene: CRM1/XPO1 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 7514
Species: Mus musculus
Application: Other
IF: 16.6

Hyodeoxycholic acid ameliorates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by inhibiting RAN-mediated PPAR nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 37673856
Gene: HRP-conjugated Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 16.6

Mitochondrial ATP synthase as a direct molecular target of chromium(III) to ameliorate hyperglycaemia stress - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 36977671
Gene: G6PC Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 14377
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 16.6

Deciphering genetic causes for sex differences in human health through drug metabolism and transporter genes - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 36635277
Gene: GAPDH Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 2597
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 16.6

Deciphering genetic causes for sex differences in human health through drug metabolism and transporter genes - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 36635277
Gene: HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)
Gene ID:
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 16.6

Deciphering genetic causes for sex differences in human health through drug metabolism and transporter genes - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 36635277
Gene: CYP1A2 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 1544
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 16.6

Deciphering genetic causes for sex differences in human health through drug metabolism and transporter genes - PMC

Journal: Nature communications2023Pubmed ID: 36635277
Gene: CYP3A4 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 1576
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 16.6

A novel active transposon creates allelic variation through altered translation rate to influence protein abundance - PMC

Journal: Nucleic acids research2023Pubmed ID: 36629271
Gene: Mouse anti DDDDK-Tag mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Application: WB
IF: 16.6