Featured Articles

23-cGAMP interactome identifies 23-cGAMP/Rab18/FosB signaling in cell migration control independent of innate immunity - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39413198
Gene: SLC46A2 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 57864
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: IP, WB
IF: 11.7

Targeting VPS18 hampers retromer trafficking of PD-L1 and augments immunotherapy - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39413192
Gene: NCAM1 / CD56 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 4684
Species: Homo sapiens,Mus musculus
Application: Co-IP, IF, IHC, IP, WB
IF: 11.7

Targeting VPS18 hampers retromer trafficking of PD-L1 and augments immunotherapy - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39413192
Gene: Ki67 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 4288
Species: Homo sapiens,Mus musculus
Application: Co-IP, IF, IHC, IP, WB
IF: 11.7

Targeting VPS18 hampers retromer trafficking of PD-L1 and augments immunotherapy - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39413192
Gene: CD86 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 942
Species: Homo sapiens,Mus musculus
Application: Co-IP, IF, IHC, IP, WB
IF: 11.7

The ICF syndrome protein CDCA7 harbors a unique DNA binding domain that recognizes a CpG dyad in the context of a non-B DNA - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39178265
Gene: Mouse anti HA-Tag mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: ELISA, Pull-down
IF: 11.7

The atypical Dof transcriptional factor OsDes1 contributes to stay-green, grain yield, and disease resistance in rice - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39178266
Gene: -Actin Mouse mAb
Gene ID: 60
Species: Oryza sativa
Application: WB
IF: 11.7

The atypical Dof transcriptional factor OsDes1 contributes to stay-green, grain yield, and disease resistance in rice - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39178266
Gene: Mouse anti GFP-Tag mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Oryza sativa
Application: WB
IF: 11.7

Structure and mechanism of the osmoregulated choline transporter BetT - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39141726
Gene: Mouse anti Strep II-Tag mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 11.7

AAGGG repeat expansions trigger RFC1-independent synaptic dysregulation in human CANVAS neurons - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39231235
Gene: RFC1 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 5981
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: IHC
IF: 11.7

Bifidobacteria with indole-3-lactic acid-producing capacity exhibit psychobiotic potential via reducing neuroinflammation - PMC

Journal: Cell reports. Medicine2024Pubmed ID: 39471819
Gene: GAPDH Rabbit mAb(High Dilution)
Gene ID: 2597
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 11.7

MerTK+ macrophages promote melanoma progression and immunotherapy resistance through AhR-ALKAL1 activation - PMC

Journal: Science advances2024Pubmed ID: 39365866
Gene: GAPDH Rabbit mAb(High Dilution)
Gene ID: 2597
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 11.7

Reprograming immunosuppressive microenvironment by eIF4G1 targeting to eradicate pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma - PMC

Journal: Cell reports. Medicine2024Pubmed ID: 39303711
Gene: Mouse Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 ELISA Kit (TGFb1)
Gene ID: 21803
Species: Mus musculus
Application: ELISA
IF: 11.7

Reprograming immunosuppressive microenvironment by eIF4G1 targeting to eradicate pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma - PMC

Journal: Cell reports. Medicine2024Pubmed ID: 39303711
Gene: Human CXCL12/SDF-1 ELISA Kit
Gene ID: 6387
Species: Mus musculus
Application: ELISA
IF: 11.7

Reprograming immunosuppressive microenvironment by eIF4G1 targeting to eradicate pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma - PMC

Journal: Cell reports. Medicine2024Pubmed ID: 39303711
Gene: Human IL-1 beta ELISA Kit
Gene ID: 3553
Species: Mus musculus
Application: ELISA
IF: 11.7

Reprograming immunosuppressive microenvironment by eIF4G1 targeting to eradicate pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma - PMC

Journal: Cell reports. Medicine2024Pubmed ID: 39303711
Gene: Mouse IL-1 beta ELISA Kit
Gene ID: 16176
Species: Mus musculus
Application: ELISA
IF: 11.7