Featured Articles

LKS4-mediated SYP121 phosphorylation participates in light-induced stomatal opening in Arabidopsis

Journal: Current biology : CB2024Pubmed ID: 38944035
Gene: Actin (plant specific) Mouse mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Application: Other
IF: 8.1

LKS4-mediated SYP121 phosphorylation participates in light-induced stomatal opening in Arabidopsis

Journal: Current biology : CB2024Pubmed ID: 38944035
Gene: Rabbit anti Myc-Tag pAb
Gene ID:
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Application: Co-IP
IF: 8.1

LKS4-mediated SYP121 phosphorylation participates in light-induced stomatal opening in Arabidopsis

Journal: Current biology : CB2024Pubmed ID: 38944035
Gene: Rabbit anti GFP-Tag pAb
Gene ID:
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Application: Co-IP, Other
IF: 8.1

LKS4-mediated SYP121 phosphorylation participates in light-induced stomatal opening in Arabidopsis

Journal: Current biology : CB2024Pubmed ID: 38944035
Gene: Mouse anti His-Tag mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

DEPDC1 as a metabolic target regulates glycolysis in renal cell carcinoma through AKT/mTOR/HIF1 pathway - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39068164
Gene: -Actin Rabbit mAb (High Dilution)
Gene ID: 60
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

A symbiont fungal effector relocalizes a plastidic oxidoreductase to nuclei to induce resistance to pathogens and salt stress

Journal: Current biology : CB2024Pubmed ID: 38917798
Gene: Mouse anti Myc-Tag mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Application: IF, WB
IF: 8.1

A symbiont fungal effector relocalizes a plastidic oxidoreductase to nuclei to induce resistance to pathogens and salt stress

Journal: Current biology : CB2024Pubmed ID: 38917798
Gene: Mouse anti DDDDK-Tag mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Application: IF, WB
IF: 8.1

A symbiont fungal effector relocalizes a plastidic oxidoreductase to nuclei to induce resistance to pathogens and salt stress

Journal: Current biology : CB2024Pubmed ID: 38917798
Gene: Histone H3 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 8290/8350
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Application: IF, WB
IF: 8.1

A symbiont fungal effector relocalizes a plastidic oxidoreductase to nuclei to induce resistance to pathogens and salt stress

Journal: Current biology : CB2024Pubmed ID: 38917798
Gene: HRP-conjugated Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)
Gene ID:
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Application: IF, WB
IF: 8.1

Genetically Modified Hepatocytes Targeting Bilirubin and Ammonia Metabolism for the Construction of Bioartificial Liver System - PMC

Journal: Biomaterials research2024Pubmed ID: 39011520
Gene: CD163 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 9332
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IF, IHC
IF: 8.1

Genetically Modified Hepatocytes Targeting Bilirubin and Ammonia Metabolism for the Construction of Bioartificial Liver System - PMC

Journal: Biomaterials research2024Pubmed ID: 39011520
Gene: CD31/PECAM1 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 5175
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IF, IHC
IF: 8.1

Genetically Modified Hepatocytes Targeting Bilirubin and Ammonia Metabolism for the Construction of Bioartificial Liver System - PMC

Journal: Biomaterials research2024Pubmed ID: 39011520
Gene: NFKB1 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 4790
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

Genetically Modified Hepatocytes Targeting Bilirubin and Ammonia Metabolism for the Construction of Bioartificial Liver System - PMC

Journal: Biomaterials research2024Pubmed ID: 39011520
Gene: HGF Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 3082
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

Genetically Modified Hepatocytes Targeting Bilirubin and Ammonia Metabolism for the Construction of Bioartificial Liver System - PMC

Journal: Biomaterials research2024Pubmed ID: 39011520
Gene: ERK1/2 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 5594/5595
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

Genetically Modified Hepatocytes Targeting Bilirubin and Ammonia Metabolism for the Construction of Bioartificial Liver System - PMC

Journal: Biomaterials research2024Pubmed ID: 39011520
Gene: [KO Validated] CDKN1A/p21 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 1026
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.1