Featured Articles

The role of vitamin E in polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis and alleviating endoplasmic reticulum stress in sub-adult grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)

Journal: Animal nutrition (Zhongguo xu mu shou yi xue hui)2023Pubmed ID: 38371478
Gene: HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)
Gene ID:
Species: Other
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Stigmasterol regulates microglial M1/M2 polarization via the TLR4/NFB pathway to alleviate neuropathic pain

Journal: Phytotherapy research : PTR2023Pubmed ID: 37871970
Gene: Arginase 1 (ARG1) Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 383
Species: Rattus norvegicus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Stigmasterol regulates microglial M1/M2 polarization via the TLR4/NFB pathway to alleviate neuropathic pain

Journal: Phytotherapy research : PTR2023Pubmed ID: 37871970
Gene: TLR4 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 7099
Species: Rattus norvegicus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Acteoside ameliorates learning and memory impairment in APP/PS1 transgenic mice by increasing A degradation and inhibiting tau hyperphosphorylation

Journal: Phytotherapy research : PTR2023Pubmed ID: 37661763
Gene: AMHR2 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 269
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Acteoside ameliorates learning and memory impairment in APP/PS1 transgenic mice by increasing A degradation and inhibiting tau hyperphosphorylation

Journal: Phytotherapy research : PTR2023Pubmed ID: 37661763
Gene: CD10/MME Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 4311
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Acteoside ameliorates learning and memory impairment in APP/PS1 transgenic mice by increasing A degradation and inhibiting tau hyperphosphorylation

Journal: Phytotherapy research : PTR2023Pubmed ID: 37661763
Gene: ACE1 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 1636
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Acteoside ameliorates learning and memory impairment in APP/PS1 transgenic mice by increasing A degradation and inhibiting tau hyperphosphorylation

Journal: Phytotherapy research : PTR2023Pubmed ID: 37661763
Gene: GSK3 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 2932
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Acteoside ameliorates learning and memory impairment in APP/PS1 transgenic mice by increasing A degradation and inhibiting tau hyperphosphorylation

Journal: Phytotherapy research : PTR2023Pubmed ID: 37661763
Gene: [KO Validated] Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 3416
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Glutaredoxin-1 alleviates acetaminophen-induced liver injury by decreasing its toxic metabolites

Journal: Journal of pharmaceutical analysis2023Pubmed ID: 38223455
Gene: -Actin Rabbit mAb (High Dilution)
Gene ID: 60
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Glutaredoxin-1 alleviates acetaminophen-induced liver injury by decreasing its toxic metabolites

Journal: Journal of pharmaceutical analysis2023Pubmed ID: 38223455
Gene: GAPDH Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 2597
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Glutaredoxin-1 alleviates acetaminophen-induced liver injury by decreasing its toxic metabolites

Journal: Journal of pharmaceutical analysis2023Pubmed ID: 38223455
Gene: Phospho-ERK1-T202 + ERK2-T185 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 5594/5595
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Pregnenolone 16-carbonitrile Negatively Regulates Hippocampal Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Ameliorates Phenytoin-induced Hippocampal

Journal: Journal of pharmaceutical analysis2023Pubmed ID: 38223454
Gene: GAPDH Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 2597
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

lborneol promotes neurovascular unit protection in the subacute phase of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion rats: p38MAPK pathway activation, anti

Journal: Phytotherapy research : PTR2023Pubmed ID: 37310024
Gene: Phospho-p38 MAPK-T180/Y182 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 5600/6300/5603/1432
Species: Rattus norvegicus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Leucine mediates cognitive dysfunction in early life stress-induced mental disorders by activating autophagy - PMC

Journal: Frontiers in cellular neuroscience2023Pubmed ID: 36687518
Gene: LC3A / LC3B Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 84557/81631
Species: Rattus norvegicus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1

Leucine mediates cognitive dysfunction in early life stress-induced mental disorders by activating autophagy - PMC

Journal: Frontiers in cellular neuroscience2023Pubmed ID: 36687518
Gene: β-Actin Rabbit mAb (High Dilution)
Gene ID: 60
Species: Rattus norvegicus
Application: WB
IF: 6.1