제품 > NGS 라이브러리 준비

T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (RK20524)


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Cat. No.ConcentrationSpecificationPrice
RK2052410, 000 U/ml2500 U₩190,500
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RK2052410, 000 U/ml250 U₩30,000
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T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (T4 PNK) catalyzes the transfer and exchange of Pi from the γ position of ATP to the 5´ -hydroxyl terminus of polynucleotides (double-and single-stranded DNA and RNA) and nucleoside 3´-monophosphates. T4 Polynucleotide Kinase also catalyzes the removal of 3´-phosphoryl groups from 3´-phosphoryl polynucleotides, deoxynucleoside 3´-monophosphates and deoxynucleoside 3´-diphosphates.
T4 PNK is applicable to end-labeling DNA or RNA for probes and DNA sequencing, addition of 5´-phosphates to oligonucleotides to allow subsequent ligation and removal of 3´-phosphoryl groups.
Workflow Chart



Product Information

Product Components

ComponentsConcentration250 U500 U2, 500 U
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase10, 000 U/mL25 μL50 μL250 μL
10X T4 PNK Reaction Buffer10X1.25 mL1.25 mL1.25 mL



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