Featured Articles

Sensing of endogenous retroviruses-derived RNA by ZBP1 triggers PANoptosis in DNA damage and contributes to toxic side effects of chemotherapy - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39465258
Gene: MLKL Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 74568
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

Sensing of endogenous retroviruses-derived RNA by ZBP1 triggers PANoptosis in DNA damage and contributes to toxic side effects of chemotherapy - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39465258
Gene: Rabbit anti DDDDK-Tag pAb
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

Sensing of endogenous retroviruses-derived RNA by ZBP1 triggers PANoptosis in DNA damage and contributes to toxic side effects of chemotherapy - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39465258
Gene: Histone H2AX Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 3014
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

Sensing of endogenous retroviruses-derived RNA by ZBP1 triggers PANoptosis in DNA damage and contributes to toxic side effects of chemotherapy - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39465258
Gene: Caspase-3 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 836
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

VCP enhances autophagy-related osteosarcoma progression by recruiting USP2 to inhibit ubiquitination and degradation of FASN - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39489738
Gene: Mouse anti DDDDK-Tag mAb
Gene ID:
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

cNEK6 induces gemcitabine resistance by promoting glycolysis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma via the SNRPA/PPA2c/mTORC1 axis - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39394197
Gene: Rabbit Control IgG
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: RIP
IF: 8.1

NAD+-boosting agent nicotinamide mononucleotide potently improves mitochondria stress response in Alzheimers disease via ATF4-dependent mitochondrial UPR - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39394148
Gene: PINK1 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 65018
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: IF, IHC
IF: 8.1

NAD+-boosting agent nicotinamide mononucleotide potently improves mitochondria stress response in Alzheimers disease via ATF4-dependent mitochondrial UPR - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39394148
Gene: OPTN Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 10133
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

NAD+-boosting agent nicotinamide mononucleotide potently improves mitochondria stress response in Alzheimers disease via ATF4-dependent mitochondrial UPR - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39394148
Gene: Human Parkin Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 5071
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: IF, IHC
IF: 8.1

BNIP3-mediated mitophagy boosts the competitive growth of Lenvatinib-resistant cells via energy metabolism reprogramming in HCC - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 38969639
Gene: ENO2 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 2026
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.1

Nicotine-induced CHRNA5 activation modulates CES1 expression, impacting head and neck squamous cell carcinoma recurrence and metastasis via MEK/ERK pathway - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39472448
Gene: CES1 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 1066
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IHC, WB
IF: 8.1

Intrauterine adhesions repair with menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells via CXCL13-CXCR5 signal axis and its mechanism - PMC

Journal: Stem cell research & therapy2024Pubmed ID: 39456064
Gene: CXCR5 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 643
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IF
IF: 8.1

Intrauterine adhesions repair with menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells via CXCL13-CXCR5 signal axis and its mechanism - PMC

Journal: Stem cell research & therapy2024Pubmed ID: 39456064
Gene: CXCL13 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 10563
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IF
IF: 8.1

An NFAT1-C3a-C3aR Positive Feedback Loop in Tumor-Associated Macrophages Promotes a Glioma Stem Cell Malignant Phenotype

Journal: Cancer immunology research2024Pubmed ID: 38289255
Gene: Mouse Control IgG
Gene ID:
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: ChIP
IF: 8.1

Inhibition of mitochondrial OMA1 ameliorates osteosarcoma tumorigenesis - PMC

Journal: Cell death & disease2024Pubmed ID: 39487118
Gene: PARP1 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 142
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.1