Featured Articles

USP9X-mediated REV1 deubiquitination promotes lung cancer radioresistance via the action of REV1 as a Rad18 molecular scaffold for cystathionine -lyase - PMC

Journal: Journal of biomedical science2024Pubmed ID: 38802791
Gene: GAPDH Mouse mAb (High Dilution)
Gene ID: 2597
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 9

Tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene 6 protein and its derived peptide ameliorate liver fibrosis by repressing CD44 activation in mice with alcohol-related liver disease - PMC

Journal: Journal of biomedical science2024Pubmed ID: 38790021
Gene: [KO Validated] CD44 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 960
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 9

The regulation of MFGE8 on the mitophagy in diabetic sarcopenia via the HSPA1LParkin pathway and the effect of Dpinitol

Journal: Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle2024Pubmed ID: 38553831
Gene: Phospho-STAT3-S727 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 6774
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.9

The regulation of MFGE8 on the mitophagy in diabetic sarcopenia via the HSPA1LParkin pathway and the effect of Dpinitol

Journal: Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle2024Pubmed ID: 38553831
Gene: HRP-conjugated Rabbit anti-Goat IgG (H+L)
Gene ID:
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.9

The regulation of MFGE8 on the mitophagy in diabetic sarcopenia via the HSPA1LParkin pathway and the effect of Dpinitol

Journal: Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle2024Pubmed ID: 38553831
Gene: SGK1 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 6446
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.9

The regulation of MFGE8 on the mitophagy in diabetic sarcopenia via the HSPA1LParkin pathway and the effect of Dpinitol

Journal: Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle2024Pubmed ID: 38553831
Gene: Dystrophin Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 1756
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IF
IF: 8.9

The regulation of MFGE8 on the mitophagy in diabetic sarcopenia via the HSPA1LParkin pathway and the effect of Dpinitol

Journal: Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle2024Pubmed ID: 38553831
Gene: MFGE8 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 4240
Species: Mus musculus
Application: IF, IHC
IF: 8.9

The regulation of MFGE8 on the mitophagy in diabetic sarcopenia via the HSPA1LParkin pathway and the effect of Dpinitol

Journal: Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle2024Pubmed ID: 38553831
Gene: [KO Validated] CDKN2A/p16INK4a Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 1029
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.9

The regulation of MFGE8 on the mitophagy in diabetic sarcopenia via the HSPA1LParkin pathway and the effect of Dpinitol

Journal: Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle2024Pubmed ID: 38553831
Gene: FOXO1 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 2308
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.9

Inhibition of Slc39a14/Slc39a8 reduce vascular calcification via alleviating iron overload induced ferroptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells - PMC

Journal: Cardiovascular diabetology2024Pubmed ID: 38812011
Gene: Ferritin Heavy Chain Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 2495
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.9

Inhibition of Slc39a14/Slc39a8 reduce vascular calcification via alleviating iron overload induced ferroptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells - PMC

Journal: Cardiovascular diabetology2024Pubmed ID: 38812011
Gene: Ferritin Light Chain Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 2512
Species: Mus musculus
Application: WB
IF: 8.9

Endothelial KLF11 is a novel protector against diabetic atherosclerosis - PMC

Journal: Cardiovascular diabetology2024Pubmed ID: 39462409
Gene: 2X Universal SYBR Green Fast qPCR Mix
Gene ID:
Species: Homo sapiens,Mus musculus
Application: PCR, Other
IF: 8.9

Endothelial KLF11 is a novel protector against diabetic atherosclerosis - PMC

Journal: Cardiovascular diabetology2024Pubmed ID: 39462409
Gene: DLL4 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 54567
Species: Homo sapiens,Mus musculus
Application: Other
IF: 8.9

Endothelial cells derived extracellular vesicles promote diabetic arterial calcification via circ_0008362/miR-1251-5p/Runx2 axial - PMC

Journal: Cardiovascular diabetology2024Pubmed ID: 39420345
Gene: CD31/PECAM1 Rabbit mAb
Gene ID: 5175
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.9

Endothelial cells derived extracellular vesicles promote diabetic arterial calcification via circ_0008362/miR-1251-5p/Runx2 axial - PMC

Journal: Cardiovascular diabetology2024Pubmed ID: 39420345
Gene: TSG101/VPS23 Rabbit pAb
Gene ID: 7251
Species: Homo sapiens
Application: WB
IF: 8.9